Resources and Opportunities to Give
If your student org, club, athletic team, or favorite programs need additional funding, there are free tools and resources to make collecting donations effective and efficient! Also, you can find a ton of resources here that are available to students, many provided thanks to the generosity of our alumni, parent, and student donors.
Want to get involved with fundraising?

Crowdfunding is a 30-day online fundraising campaign that hosts student, staff, and alumni initiatives on campus. Projects use grassroots outreach to mobilize their community and reach their goal and is typically offered once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester for students to participate. This is best for long-term projects!

Big Give is an online 24-hour fundraising event; the entire Cal community comes together for one day to support their favorite schools and programs, compete for contest prizes and bragging rights, and highlight the power of philanthropy. This is the most time-efficient fundraising opportunity!
Student Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does my gift go? +
Wherever you'd like! Berkeley has over 1,000 different areas that you can support. Many students donate to their student orgs, club sports, or other programs that they are passionate about. One of the most popular for students to donate to is the Basic Needs Center, which provides the Cal community with food, housing, healthcare, financial support, and more. Visit Give to Berkeley to search for the areas you'd like to contribute towards.
How much should I give? +
Great question! Gifts of any size are much appreciated and when combined with the donations of thousands of alums, parents, students, and friends, they add up to make a big difference at Berkeley. Many students decide to give in honor of their graduating class year, such as $20.25.
Note - there is a $10 minimum.
What if I can't give a financial contribution? +
There are plenty of other ways to get involved!
1. You could fundraise for your student organization, club sport, or other programs.
2. Use social media and sign up as an ambassador to help us spread the word about crowdfunding, Big Give, or a Thematic Giving Campaign. Every share helps!
3. You could volunteer with your favorite programs to help with events, or join us for a thank you card writing session to share with our alum donors.
Why should students give? +
The state of California only provides 14% of UC Berkeley's operating budget each year. Gifts help to bridge this gap and ensure that Berkeley can keep tuition costs down to ensure that the educational opportunity is available regardless of a student's financial situation.